Saturday 24 November 2012

Require the establishment of the University of Tirana, Department of Arvanitologjisë (Αρβανιτολογίας)

Require the establishment of the University of Tirana, Department of Arvanitologjisë (Αρβανιτολογίας)

Γιατι οι αρβανιτες της Ελλαδος απευθυνονται στην Αλβανια για Αρβανιτολογία ? Aπάντηση Επειδή από την Ελλάδα έχουν χάσει κάθε ελπίδα . Διοτι στην Ελλαδα οι αρβανιτες ,είναι ξένοι πολίτες ,αλβανοι πολιτες.Οι Έλληνες θέλουν τους αρβανίτες χωρίς αρβανιτικα και μόνο με τα Ελληνικα .Ποτε δεν ειχαν ουτε παραμικρη επιθυμια για ενα κλαδο της Αρβανιτολογιας στα Ελληνικα Πανεπιστημια στα 200 χρονια.Στην Ελλάδα έχουν φόβο από την αφύπνιση των Αλβανων της Ελλαδος, τους Αρβανίτες.Φοβουνται καταστασης οπως ενα μελλον Αρβανιτικου Κομματος,με αρβανιτες και αλβανους μαζι .Τοτε η Ελλαδα πολυ γρηγορα θα ηταν καπως ετσι.
In English
 Why Arvaniti of Greece addressed to Albania Arvanitologia; Answer: Because of Greece have lost all hope. Because in Greece Arvanites, are foreign citizens, Albanians citizens.
Greeks want the Arvanites without Arvanitika and only Greek.

Never had either no desire for one branch of Arvanitologias in Greek universities in 200 years.
Greece has the fear of awakening the Albanians of Greece, the Arvanites.
They fear a future situation like Arvanitis party, Arvanites and Albanians together. Then Greece will very quickly be something like

                                          ΑΛΒΑΝΙΚΟ  ΚΟΜΜΑ  ΣΤΗΝ  ΕΛΛΑΔΑ

In greek (I)

Ο υπογραφων Νικος Στυλος,οπου εγεννηθει και μεγαλωσε στην Τσαμοχορια της Πρεβεζης ,το 1973 και επειτα,νυν κατοικος Γερμανιας,μετα απο πολυχρονη εργασια,σε μια προσπαθεια να αποδειξει οτι 
οι Αρβανιτες,δηλαδή οι ομιλητες της Αλβανικης διάλεκτος στην Ελλάδα ειναι οι αμνημόνευτων κατοικοι της χωρας αυτης και οχι μεταναστες ολιγων αιωνων όπως θα ηθελε βραχίονα της επίσημης Ελλενικης πλευρας,
ασχοληθηκα με τις αναγνώσιμες προ-χριστιανικες επιγραφες του λεγομενου Eλληνικου χωρου.Ως καλος γνωστης της Ελληνικης γλωσσης,συμπεραινω πως ολες οι μορφες του γραπτου και προφορικου λογου,δηλαδη
 η Δημοτικη,(Ελληνικά λαϊκά)
 η Kαθαρευουσα,(πρώην Ελληνική επίσημη) 
η Eκκλησιαστικη
 και η Aρχαια Ελληνικη,
 απο πολλες Aρβανιτικες λεξεις που περιεχουν σε εργα αρχαιων Ελληνων συγγραφεων,οι οποιες θεωρουνται ως ξενες και με τη μετάφρασή τους,που συστηματικά αποφευγεται να ειπωθει απο ποια γλωσσα προερχονται,
δεν ειναι μονο η διαβεβαίωση οτι οι Αρβανιτες ειναι αρχαιος λαος, αλλα εχω πεισθει οτι αυτα που λενε οι υπαλληλοι του πανεπιστημιου Αθηνων ειναι προσαρμοσμενα στην Ελληνικη εθνικη προπαγανδα....
Δεν ξερω εαν ειναι πολυ,διοτι δεν ειμαι Αλβανος πολιτης για να απαιτησω την ιδρυση τμηματος Αρβανιτολογίας στο Πανεπιστημιο Τιρανων,αλλα χωρις φοβο ως αρβανιτης και Τσαμης του εξωτερικου μπορω να σας παροτρυνω να συμπεριλαβεται στην διπλωματικη και διδακτορικη λειτουργια του πανεπιστημιου σας θεματα των συγγραφεων που εχουν ασχοληθει στο παρελθον με την Aρβανιτικη διαλεκτο...

In English 

 Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, Tirana University
Mr. Shezai Rrokaj

Dear Mr. Rrokaj!

I, the undersigned Niko Stylos, born and raised in Cham villages Preveza and since 1973 living in Germany, after working many years in an effort to prove that Arvanites, viz. Albanian dialect speakers in Greece, are immemorial inhabitants of this country, and not a few centuries immigrants as Greek official arm us, was received with illegible inscriptions before today's space-called Christian Greek. Inscriptions that have been found and are constantly in places inhabited by Arvanites and that Greek scholars admit that there are not only Greek, but continue to support their language is unknown.

As a connoisseur of Greek language, or better as knowledgeable in all forms of spoken and written, namely dimotikes (popular Greek), katharevusës (Greek ex officio), kishtares and ancient Greek, many Albanian words, we find ancient Greek writers, with their translation and that while foreign considered systematically avoided to say which is the language, not only was assured that Arvanites are an ancient people, but also was convinced that the sayings university official Athens adapted Greek ethnic propaganda.

With this faith and multi-year effort arrived with my native dialect of the Albanian language to read many of these inscriptions and Greek not only from the aforementioned spaces, but also abroad, namely from Italy and Turkey, and in 2003 released in Athens my book "Elements Prehistoric Albanian ancient texts ", which in translation with the title" sacred history Arvanites "floated in Pristina, published by the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo, Non-Resident Affairs Department.

Since the problem of reading these inscriptions, a number of researchers support that are written in the Albanian language as a starting point or better alphabet alphabets and top thread words not found in dictionaries today's official Eagles went back to the texts and dictionaries Various older that have words and letters, such as ϋ using Marco Boçari and which Dhaskal Todri writes, that help us read the ancient inscriptions called illegible.

In an effort to bring closer or better to give researchers access to written words with the oldest alphabets in 2007 floated in Tirana book entitled "Marko Bocarin Dictionary", which in addition to a paper, let's call introduction to the problems of English language alphabets is also transcribed Albanian part of this dictionary with the alphabet today. Besides a long time deal with Greek-Albanian Dictionary Panayiotis Kupitorit, where due to the numerous letters that he uses, I reached a kind of impasse and expect answers to help, I wanted different from Albanian studies on this problem.

Because the notice that the aim of the Greek official bodies is disappearing dialect arvanitas time, who can say with great sorrow, that is not just full of negligence, but also from neglect by the Government, in an effort finite I would like to pray and of course not to know my work to write, but to show at least a bit of interest not only to Arvanites unknown works, but also include large vocabulary Albanian words summary of this dialect I personally feel ashamed that question, which we find in the written apominaret Anastas Kulluriotit, words that paid with his life to the struggle of learning this language, Academy of Sciences of Albania to be removed.

I do not know if it is more, not being an Albanian citizen
require the establishment of the University of Tirana, Department of Arvanitologjisë (Αρβανιτολογίας), but without fear as arvanitas and even as Cham Diaspora urge you to include in diplomatic and didaktorike works your university the theme of writers who have written in the past in the dialect Arvanites, who at this time are too many children of immigrants in Greece with perfect knowledge of the Greek language.

Niko Stylos

Email:. N.Stylos @

Published on 19/05/2009
Shqiptari mysliman Marko Boçari ...." Këta njerëz , që jetojnë midis të krishterëve dhe Mahometans , dhe jo duke u kualifikuar në polemika , të deklarojnë se ata janë krejtësisht të paaftë për të gjykuar që feja është e mirë , por , që të jenë të sigurt e jo tërësisht refuzimin e të vërtetës , ata me shumë kujdes ndjekin të dy , dhe të shkojnë në xhami të Premteve dhe në kishë të Dielave , duke thënë  për justifikim të tyre se, që në ditën e gjykimit ata janë të sigurt për mbrojtje nga profet i vërtetë , por e cili  është, ata nuk janë në gjendje të përcaktojnë në këtë botë unë besoj se nuk ka asnjë shembull tjetër te njerëzimi, janë kaq modestë në mendim e në kapacitetin e  tyre "....

In English 
 Albanian Muslim Marko Boçari ....."These people, living between Christians and Mahometans, and not being skilled in controversy, declare that they are completely unable to judge which religion is good, but, to be safe rather than outright rejection of the truth, they carefully follow both, and go to the mosque on Fridays and Sundays in church, telling them that excuse, that the day of judgment they are safe for protection from true prophet, but which is, they are not able to determine in this world I believe there is no other example of humanity, are so modest in view of their capacity. ".....surceA Journey Through Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe. Vol. 1 John Cam Hobhouse Baron Hobhouse p.131-132.

ΜουσουλμάνοςΜαρκο Μποτσαρι ,
Muslim "Greek",Marko Boçari .Only 200 years of hiding
"Marko Bocarin Dictionary"

Κώστας Μπίρης ,ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΕΣ ΟΙ ΔΩΡΙΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ,Publishing House "Melisha",ISBN 960-204-031-9,PAGE 295.

My profil in face book .title: 29.11.2012.National History Museum Tirana.


BOTZARIS (Marco), the Leonidas of modern Greece, was originally in the French service, in an Albanian regiment, in which his father and uncle were majors in 1807.
Titulli: A Universal Biography: Including Scriptual, Classical and Mythological Memoirs, Together with Accounts of Many Eminent Living Characters, Volume 1
Autori: William Beckett
Botues: Mayhew, Isaac and Company, 1834

File:Markos Botsaris oil painting on canvas - (by Jean-Léon Gérôme - 1874).JPG

                                 File:Markos Botsaris oil painting on canvas - (by Jean-Léon Gérôme - 1874).JPG

Even here as suliote Muslim group



Suliote captains - Albanians

 Page (face book)
Marko Boçari and Suliote Albanians


SULI (Documentary of ET3) *Part 1*


Book in Greek of N. Styllos 

ΒΛΕΠΕ: Νίκος Στύλος  (βίντεο) 

Δευτέρα, 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Νίκος Στύλος:Η Προϊστορία των Αρβανιτών


Nje komb nje flamur,Petrit Lulo, Fahrije Zogaj

Επιλεγμένα Αρβανίτικα Τραγούδια και ο Αριστειδη Κολλια


  1. Εσενα αλβανικο μουνι θα σε θαψουμε που πας να δημιουργησεις θεμα απο το τιποτα κωλοαλβαναρα.

  2. Συνδεσμος Αρβανιτων & Αλβανων 2015

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